What are obstacles
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
Henry Ford
We look forward to having you as our guest on Saturday October 29 2016 at 6:00 PM
We are continuing to register growing interest in project 2. The goal of project 2 is to support every member own or invest in an apartment.
More information will be presented at our home located at 483 Oakwood Avenue Toronto on October 29 2016 6:00pm. We also have Sarah Njoroge in the house to present on products you can use to create extra income part time. As always we are very grateful to have the Van Rossi duo provide Zilizopendwa Swahili Music This promises to be an exciting and profitable evening look to have you as our guest. FOR ELEVATIONS APARTMENT FORM INQUIRY CLICK ON THIS LINK
Karibu sana It is elevations time.