Elevations programs 2019
Happy new year friend
At elevations this year we plan to Believe in ourselves! Have faith in our abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in our own powers we cannot be successful or happy.” —Norman Vincent Peale
Our programs are starting as usual look forward to your support in this journey of transforming histories and continuing to build lasting legacies.
This Elevations thanksgiving month
Happenings at Elevations this month of thanksgiving
Celebrations of Cultures thanksgiving October 27 5:00 pm
Come and show us how to make foods from your tradition
Here is an example of what some people experience and more importantly how they handle it
"‘I want to leave. Stop assaulting me.’ Hate crime unit reviewing race-related incident at London grocery store" complete story is at this link
Toronto Police advise
If you are a victim of hate crime:
Stay Calm
Keep all relevant material
Record all information regarding the incident
Call the Police immediately
Have you ever experienced hate speech or crime ? cast your vote
Be our guest
November 3 2018 6:00 pm to celebrate cultural diversity smiles
All diverse ethnicities and local diverse communities and new comers to Canada are welcome.
Share this no hate pledge message
I believe that every individual has infinite and eternal worth.
I believe that recognition of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.
I believe that every individual is entitled to dignity and respect, without prejudice toward race, color, gender, disability, language, religion, creed, national origin, property, age, or other status.
I believe that every thought and every act of such prejudice is harmful. If it is my thought or act, then it is harmful to me as well as to others. THEREFORE, I will strive every day of my life to eliminate such prejudice from my thoughts and actions.
I will discourage such prejudice by others at every opportunity.
I will treat all people with dignity and respect.
I will strive daily to honor this pledge, knowing that the world will be a better place because of my effort.
Volunteers always needed and welcome to Elevations. we can use your help
There many programs you can work in to gain Canadian experience or community volunteer hours required to graduate from high school or other placement programs
Contact us at info@elsci.ca or 647-693-4397
Elevations Co-op Membership
Membership into Elevations Co-op is open to any one 16years old and above
request application here or at info@elsci.ca
Elevations East African Cultural Center Membership
request application here or at info@elsci.ca
Elevations Foundation Membership
request application here or at info@elsci.ca
Hours Service at 483 Oakwood Avenue Toronto Ontario