Elevations Co-operative INC.

Together we can lift any weight
What Time is it?
Changepreneurs message implication.
Listening to the common message carried from these revered iconic changepreneurs one comes to the conclusion that:
We owe these great progressive visionary thinkers and pioneers of change an apology, an apology in how we are yet to fully appreciate and reciprocate the good they have done for humanity.
We must reject narrow minded treatments of each other and instead embrace one another with genuine interest as our brothers and sisters keepers regardless of tribal, racial, ethnicity, religious or class differences.
We will instead seek to harmonize, synergize our collective efforts to produce the highest good for all humanity. We must not settle for triviality and mediocrity but rather pursue the highest virtues, purposes, and good for all society.
We must not turn hatred to one another, but rather focus our energies to combat the real enemies of humanity which are poverty, corruption, disease and ignorance.
Just as the changepreneurs illustrate our commitment to these ideals should be very high that we are willing and ready to die for them, such a death is glorious.
Let us be the ones that turn around the tide of ethnicity, race, class or religious bigotry in our communities wherever it rears its ugly head.
It is elevations time! together we can lift any weight.
Pastor Jairo
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