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Women community builders serving East African community recognized on IWD

Outstanding community development contributions by women serving the East African Community in Canada and abroad recognizedtional on International Women’s Day

This year Elevations East Cultural Center team led by Miss Bhoke Nyerere (Director) was so pleased to honour community women leaders on the marking of the International Womens Day. (March 8th 2016) Watch video at

This initiative to honour these women was conceived and championed by Flora Igoki Terah Elevations Champion 2015, Ambassador for Shelter Box Canada, then developed and hosted by Elevations Cooperative Inc.

Elevations vision is always to uplift people and as such we feel very happy to uplift the ideas of others like our sister Florah Igoki

How may we uplift you? send us your idea and we will give you support to realize your dream.Our mission is to support self improvement initiatives of our members and their communities that lead to positive outcomes.

Through this event we realized just how many good works are being carried out by women support community development initiatives.

While all nominated women are outstanding the nominating committe narrowed the list of recepients to the following as the 2016 recipients for the “IWD Exceptional Women Leaders Awards” are: Joyce Essendi, Lapwan Wong-Essendi, Josephine Hitimana, Rev. Jean Henry, Rev. Dr. Florence Juma, Bernadette Njeri Kariuki, Ilana Landsberg-Lewis, Dr. Ebby Madera, Zipporah Malemo, Rev. Elivered Mulongo, Allyce B. Mutungi, Irene Njoroge-Maina, Felississima Mwambarangwe, Fiona Sampson, Eunice Wahome, Dr. Edith Wambayi, Esther Wambui and Professor Njoki Nathani Wane.

The criteria for the finalist was based on nominees local impact to the East African Community, within the past two years.

We look forward to IWD 2017 and encourage those who did not make the final list to participate in 2017.

Not much appreciation can be given to the Van Rosi Band for zilizopendwa entertainment,the Utamaduni group for traditional drum and dance show. Ester Wambui of Wakenya Canada,the organizing team and all guests.Read more at

Utamaduni Class is held every Saturday at 483 Oakwood Avenue from 4:00-5:00 pm all age groups are welcome ant it is a free event.

Utamaduni classes are helping our youth and general community to be proud of their heritage, they help build important life skills such as self esteem or confidence, interpersonal skills,public speaking, organizational skills in addition to critical thinking skills.

Join lass this Saturday invite to your friends to attend. What time is it! Have an elevated Easter.

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